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Contest Introduction & Deliverables

As 48 hours is indeed a very short period of time, AVHA is not looking for perfection in terms of video quality but rather the creativity brought forward by the new frontier of virtual production. A story, created under the stress of time and resources limitation within 48 hours, is truely worthwhile for further idea injection and development even after the contest. The video created in such a short time can very well be utilized as a pitch-vis, which is reckoned as the most immediate usage of previsualization while pursuing necessary funding for incubating a great story!

Participating members no more than three students.  Can use additional 3 actors/actresses but no more than 3. 

 A 2-5 min video which contains real or virtual human acting in self-designated virtual scenes.  At least 1/3 of the video should be real-time composited by using green/blue screen, LED volume, filming camera, game engine and some kind of camera tracking device. 


• Assets can be premade or acquired from market place like Epic store as long as they are legally obtained with legitimate copyright.

Additional modelling, video editing or music libraries should be participating teams’ own responsibility.


​ A maximum 10% extra bonus point on your total score will be added, provided that you have virtual creature, human included, performing in your work.  

Actual bonus point added will also be decided by intl. judge teams.

Get Tickets

Submitting the apply form does not mean you have been accepted for the contest.  After review, a formal notification of successful registration & a serial number will be sent to the mailbox you filled in when you applied.
The serial number will be a must
 when you submit your work.


For colleges and universities participation.

Please download and make sure you understand and accept the contest rules before you apply.

If you can not use google,

please click here. 

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